Wishes Revised Leaflet - page 55

Listen to a model answer. How does each speaker justify
his/her points?
Mr Black, a popular teacher, is retiring from your school and you want to give him a leaving present. First,
talk to each other about how useful these items are and then decide which two would be the most suitable
for a present.
In pairs discuss:
When do you exchange presents in your country?
What is the best present you have ever received?
How easy do you find it to choose a present for somebody?
Do you think people spend too much money on presents?
How else can we thank someone for their help apart from giving them a present?
Candidate B:
Compare the two photographs and say why you think people celebrate these occasions.
Candidate A:
What anniversaries do you like to celebrate in your country?
Asking for Opinion & Suggesting
Why don’t we ...?
What do you think of ...?
We might ...
I don’t think this would be a good
idea because ... How about ...?
Wouldn’t ... be better?
Yes, I agree because ...
That sounds like a good
idea ...
That’s not a bad suggestion
I like this too because ...
I’m not sure I agree with that because ...
I don’t think that would be a good idea
because ...
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you there
because ...
I’m not so sure. He might have had ...
Listen to a model answer.
Which two items do the speakers decide on? What reasons do they give?
What other items would make a suitable present?
Would you like to receive any of these items as a present? Why (not)?
way of saying ‘thank you’
look back on the past and
remember things you did
show appreciation for being
together for such a long time
people parade
forget their troubles, escape
from daily routine
traditional celebration
exciting and festive/have fun
Topic Vocabulary
Exam Practice: Speaking
How useful are
these items?
an oil painting
a set of books
a set of luggage
a pocket watch
a set of cutlery
Exam Practice: Speaking
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