1 Tips for IELTS
On the next page there is a practice test for IELTS Reading Section 1. Here are some tips to help you with
this section. Tick (
) the tips that you need to practise most.
IELTS Reading Paper (General Training) Section 1
Short-answer questions, matching information tasks
• Time is enormously important in IELTS Reading.
You have less than 90 seconds for each question,
so you do
have the time to read all the texts
Only read carefully those parts of the text that
contain the answers.
• Read the task instructions very carefully. Do
what the instructions tell you to do. You will lose
marks if you don’t follow the instructions.
• Divide your time equally between the sections.
Candidates sometimes spend too much time on a
question or a section, and the result is that they
don’t have enough time for the last questions.
Don’t do this!
• See Unit 7B, p. 22 for tips on doing short answer
questions and matching information tasks .
• Follow these steps when you first see each
section in the paper:
1 Look at the text title and any pictures to get a
very general idea of what the text is all about.
2 Skim the questions (See Unit 3 for more
information on ‘skimming’).
3 Skim the text.
4 Read the questions carefully.
5 Scan the text for the answers that require
specific information.
6 For answers that require more detailed
information, scan the text to find the
information, then read the specific sentences
carefully to understand the details (reading for
• When the questions require specific information
e.g. names, numbers, dates, places
, you need to
scan the text to find the answers. Remember,
when you scan you just look for the specific
information. Scanning is quick and direct.
Don’t waste time reading in the wrong way!
• The texts in Section 1 are often advertisements,
notices, brochures, leaflets, timetables or publicity
materials. Outside class, find materials like these
as often as you can, and read them. Train yourself
to find specific information in them quickly.
Preparation & exam tips